Hammerhead Swim Club - Documents
The website is not published yet. Restricted access only.
Please save & print this schedule as it contains the list of races for this meet.
Consent form Aug 15, 2021
Please read and confirm terms
Must read all locker room policy's for HHSC
HHSC Ice Blast Nov 27, 2023
Silvers info Feb 08, 2023
BAAC Holiday Meet Nov 27, 2022
Please print for meet information.
Here is the meet information which includes a list of races available and when. Please save & print this so you have it for the meet.
Meet information for parents
Please download information for NISL meet at Fredonia
Please print for your records to reference before attending.
Please read & print meet information- note no spectators at this meet. There is a live stream.
Please read for event details- including list of races.
Please see the event details, times, location, list of events, and rules.
Please download the PAWS Holiday Meet schedule & information.
Please download and save - information provided by STAR for the Series 3 meet.
Please save and print this so you have it as a reference.
Fact sheet Aug 03, 2021
Fact sheet